SANTA BARBARA, CALIF., March 18, 2022 — The UC Santa Barbara (UCSB) Library has implemented Skilltype for Teams — a cloud-based skills management platform for libraries and knowledge management organizations.
Skilltype launched in 2020 to address the shift to remote work and online conferences. The platform offers personalized professional development for employees and produces real-time talent insights across the organization. UCSB is the sixth member of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) to adopt Skilltype.
The software will give UCSB Library employees access to thousands of on-demand trainings and presentations. These resources originate from trusted conferences, professional associations, and vendors. As a result, all staff members can start developing expertise. This is applicable whether they are working on campus or remotely. Moreover, it holds true regardless of rank or role. Notably, this approach tackles long-standing DEI issues found in traditional professional development.

”At the heart of any Library’s mission is advancing education and learning and making information accessible,” said Kristen Antelman, University Librarian at UC Santa Barbara. “By making Skilltype’s numerous resources available to our staff, we are able to incorporate our employees into that mission and support their growth.”
“From open access to library automation, the UCSB libraries are a leading organization both within their consortium and the broader research library community,” said Tony Zanders, founder and CEO at Skilltype. “We have already benefited from the thought they have put into organizational development, and we are excited to contribute a new suite of tools to their repertoire for this post-pandemic environment.”
About UC Santa Barbara Library
The UCSB Library supports more than 25,000 students, over 1,000 faculty, and many visiting scholars and researchers. For more information, visit www.library.ucsb.edu
About Skilltype
Skilltype is an American software company headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana. Founded in 2018, the company offers talent management software. This software helps information professionals and their teams analyze, develop, and share expertise. Academic libraries in the United States funded Skilltype. Since then, it has developed a global community. This community includes learners and training providers across 12 countries.