Skilltype’s COO Christine Quirion attended the Founders Forum at the Lepage Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, at Tulane Business School. The event combined founder pitches, speed networking, and experiential learning. Which allowed students to engage with companies from the New Orleans community. Founders and students matched in small groups for brief conversations. Founders shared the origin story and key differentiating factors for their business. Students asked questions and shared their own ideas about ways for each venture to expand or grow.
Skilltype is pleased to participate in events like the Founder’s Forum and the Freeman School to build the next generation of entrepreneurs. contribute to creating a vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem in New Orleans, and to shine a light on the unique opportunities that can be found working with library organizations and librarians. The students were curious, highly engaged and they each brought a unique lens to Skilltype’s vision to develop world-class libraries with data and skill development.
Many university students have encountered libraries through coursework and personal experiences. Our discussions with them highlighted libraries as potential arenas for new business ventures. Thanks to Tulane, the faculty, and the students for bringing perspectives from concentrations in management, human resources, and data science to the conversation on library skills and impact.

A speaker welcomes students and founders to The Founder’s Forum

Students gather together for a photo while attending Tulane’s Founder’s Forum

Students gather together for a photo while attending Tulane’s Founder’s Forum