Introducing browse.

v1 of Skilltype browse
Consistent with our recent monthly community updates, we are excited to present our first major update to item discoverability in the app, browse functionality. This first version of browse adds onto the top skills widget in the right sidebar of your feed by offering a page providing a single place to access our top professional development content across the app, regardless of the data added to your profile. Sections include conferences and associations, skills and interests, and products and services.
- Enhanced Login Experience: To optimize user experience, we’ve introduced a tab-accessible show/hide password toggle for the login process. This new feature enhances security by letting users double-check their password entries and simplifies navigation for keyboard shortcuts.
- Accessibility Improvements for Feeds: Recognizing the importance of screen readers for our visually impaired users, we’ve made adjustments to our interface. Now, every Feed item prominently displays a menu arrow. This visual cue aids screen reading software in identifying and relaying actionable items, ensuring a more inclusive and seamless navigation experience for all our users.
- Organization admins can now see the “Upload CSV” text that was missing from the dashboard invite panel.
- Organization insights user lists no longer breaks when you click a tag
Skilltype is a talent marketplace for information professionals and their teams to analyze, develop, and share expertise. Sign up for early access today.