Welcome Singapore. Fixed a search bug.

A bug mishandling multiword tags in search.
In this latest update, we’ve dedicated our efforts primarily towards refining the user experience. We addressed several bugs and enhanced the performance of our platform. Our team recognizes the importance of seamless navigation, and with that in mind, we’ve taken strides to ensure a smoother, faster experience for our users. But that’s not all; as we iron out these kinks, we’re also laying the groundwork for a groundbreaking enhancement in item1 discoverability. We’re truly excited about what’s on the horizon, as we believe it will revolutionize the way our users engage with content.
- Added Singapore as a user and organization locale.
- Added Singaporean organizations to database. As a result, this widens the range of opportunities and resources available for users but also fosters collaboration and networking between Singaporean entities and their counterparts around the world.
- Switched from hard-coded list of organizations to retrieving from API. This. means our users are provided with the most updated, relevant, and diverse set of organizations, making their experience on Skilltype richer and more in line with the rapidly evolving global landscape.
- Resolved bug mishandling multiword tags such as “Ex Libris Alma”.
- Fixed the bug requiring refresh for organization admin panel to appear.
- Updated avatarImagePath to be an absolute URL path based on environment.
- Resolved bulk upload issue failing to validate duplicate Affiliations2.
1. Items are professional development resources such as videos, articles, presentations, along with career opportunities such as events, projects, jobs, and the like.
2. Affiliations are organizations that a user can have a data sharing relationship with. (eg employer, professional association, alumni network, etc)
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