Case Studies
Libraries of all types and sizes trust Skilltype to develop skills, identify expertise, and create higher performing teams.

Providing Inclusive Training at LNDL
- Tailored Content: Skilltype’s training modules cater directly to the unique needs of library staff.
- Inclusivity in Learning: Every staff member, regardless of their role, has access to comprehensive training opportunities.
- Efficient Talent Management: Skilltype’s robust tools streamline the talent strategy, making it easier to identify and bridge skill gaps.
“Using Skilltype has been a game-changer for us. It allows us to offer opportunities to all our library staff members, not just librarians, leveling the playing field and bridging existing gaps.”

Lorena Dion
Operations Manager
Loyola Notre Dame Library
“We have a greater sense of staff talent and skills. We also know the areas of interest and can provide training and development opportunities as needed. “

Jackie Lorrainne
Associate University Librarian
Washington University Libraries

Elevating Expertise at WashU Libraries
- Library-Specific Training: Skilltype offers modules designed especially for the nuances of library professions.
- Holistic Staff Overview: Gain a clear snapshot of staff skills, enabling targeted development strategies.
- Career Growth Facilitation: Empowering staff with the resources they need to flourish in their roles.

Embracing a Digital Future at Grambling
- Seamless Integration: Skilltype effortlessly merges with Grambling’s Digital Library infrastructure.
- Focused Upskilling: Prioritized professional development ensures staff stay ahead in the digital curve.
- Empowering Library Progress: By enabling consistent staff growth, Skilltype ensures the library thrives.
“Employees now proactively contribute ideas and solutions. Instead of facing limitations due to a lack of expertise, they’re empowered to seize learning opportunities and bridge knowledge gaps for the library’s benefit.”

Adrienne C. Webber
Dean of the Digital Library and Learning Commons
Grambling State University’s Library
“The key benefit of using Skilltype is the flexibility it gives to learners to ‘choose their own path’ while working within the context of the library’s mission, vision, and goals.”

Heather Holmes
Associate Director
Medical University of South Carolina Libraries

Aligning Strategic Direction at MUSC
- Goal-Oriented Learning: Skilltype’s platform ensures training directly supports MUSC’s objectives.
- Targeted Skill Development: Modules are curated to foster specific growth areas, enhancing staff capabilities.
- Cultivating a Learning Culture: With Skilltype, MUSC promotes an environment where continuous development is paramount.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Skilltype?
Skilltype’s talent platform uses real-time data to help information professionals and their teams identify, develop, and share expertise. The platform aggregates thousands of training resources, opportunities, and talent profiles of individuals, describing each with a controlled skills vocabulary to create a personalized career and organizational development experience.
Who is Skilltype for?
Skilltype is used by library managers and their teams, along with communities, conference organizers, and vendors that train information professionals. Customers include libraries of all sizes ranging from 5 employees to 500 across North America, Europe, and Asia. Skilltype’s largest customers have thousands of data points being surfaced to help inform career pathways and organizational development strategy.
Where is Skiltype’s content from?
Skilltype indexes training resources and opportunities from over 100 conferences and training providers, enhances the records with our proprietary skills ontology, and delivers them to users through a personalized recommendation engine. We also partner with training providers who aim to grow and engage their communities using Skilltype’s tools.
How easy is Skilltype to setup?
Small libraries can be up and running in a day or two. Larger libraries may require more conversations and take up to a week or two. No implementation or professional services teams required. Just appoint a project manager to coordinate with our onboarding team on the timeline you set to roll it out across your organization.
How much does Skilltype cost?
Skilltype is priced on a per-employee basis. Most libraries sign annual or multi-year subscriptions, but we support shorter pilots for larger organizations with complex use cases. Skilltype also works with consortia to streamline your procurement process and offer discounts for Enterprise capabilities with additional features and premium support are available for organizations upon request. Contact us to get more details.
Signup for a quick demo to see Skilltype in action.