Introducing consortial functionality to Skilltype.

Browsing members of a consortium from the admin dashboard.
Feature focus: Consortial Functionality
We are excited to begin supporting library consortia on Skilltype. A library consortium, or a system of libraries, is now able to establish a data sharing relationship with its members on Skilltype, and allow expertise data to roll up to the consortium level. For a deep dive on Skilltype for Networks, and what we set out to accomplish in version one, watch our latest monthly update here.
- YWe’ve made it easier to find the organizations you’re interested in with our enhanced search bar. Just type in the name or keyword, and voila! You can now discover and connect with organizations using Skilltype, right from the search bar.

- Instead of automatically populating your feed with a mix of skills and product experience, we’ve refined our approach to focus solely on your unique interests. This change allows us to generate a more personalized feed for you.
- Interests now include products you want to learn, as opposed to only including skills you want to develop. This allows you to gain a well-rounded set of recommendations that aligns with both your skill and product learning goals.
- OCLC Research and CALM Conference have been added to the browse page. These are reputable platforms where you can deepen your understanding of various topics, giving you more avenues for growth and learning.
- Duplicate profile photos no longer appear on Ipad and tablet web browsers.
- Location changes now appear without refresh on user and organization profiles.
Skilltype is a talent marketplace for information professionals and their teams to analyze, develop, and share expertise. Want to try out these features? Log into