Use Cases

Build Talent Pipeline

The problem

Finding the right talent for libraries is like searching for a rare book. The moment a job is posted, the clock starts ticking to fill the role quickly and efficiently. Often, library managers find themselves in a queue, waiting to fill multiple positions without a ready talent pipeline. The challenge intensifies when HR departments, unfamiliar with the unique nuances of library roles, treat these positions like any other departmental vacancy. This lack of specialized understanding, coupled with limited insights into labor market trends and best practices , leaves library managers in a cycle of outdated hiring based on old role requirements, even as stakeholder expectations continue to shift towards a more digital experience.

The solution

To turn the page on this challenge, libraries must craft their own talent pipeline – a proactive ‘just in case’ strategy over the reactive ‘just in time’ approach. Recognizing that libraries understand their needs best, and no one champions their cause better than their own staff, Skilltype’s visibility option introduces the library’s story and priorities. Enabling visibility allows other users to find the organization and, if interested, request to share their skills data for further engagement.

Skilltype users who don’t work for the library but have opted in to begin sharing their profiles with them are now a part of the library’s talent pipeline as Followers. Followers on Skilltype differ from Members of an organization due to their email address not matching the organization’s email domain within Skilltype. Followers on Skilltype are different from followers on other platforms. Here, the platform maps a user’s data against the organization’s needs assessment. This allows Skilltype to present potential candidates to library administrators based on the skills the library is missing. Once the organization finishes its needs assessment during onboarding and sets itself to visible, users can begin following the library, and the data is refreshed in real time each time an administrator views their Talent Audit.

Skilltype administrators in the library can also invite previous job applicants to their Skilltype organization as Followers using the Directory’s invite tool. Today, prior job applicants that have expressed interest in working for the library will be outside the usual recruitment radar. Inviting them to Skilltype resurfaces their skills, highlighting gaps to administrators that the library needs to fill. This approach helps ensure the library no longer starts job searches from scratch through a robust and up-to-date talent pipeline.

Sign up for a quick demo to see Skilltype in action.

Frequently Asked Questions

Skilltype’s talent platform uses real-time data to help information professionals and their teams identify, develop, and share expertise. The platform aggregates thousands of training resources, opportunities, and talent profiles of individuals, describing each with a controlled skills vocabulary to create a personalized career and organizational development experience.

Skilltype is used by library managers and their teams, along with communities, conference organizers, and vendors that train information professionals. Customers include libraries of all sizes ranging from 5 employees to 500 across North America, Europe, and Asia. Skilltype’s largest customers have thousands of data points being surfaced to help inform career pathways and organizational development strategy.

Skilltype indexes training resources and opportunities from over 100 conferences and training providers, enhances the records with our proprietary skills ontology, and delivers them to users through a personalized recommendation engine. We also partner with training providers who aim to grow and engage their communities using Skilltype’s tools.

Small libraries can be up and running in a day or two. Larger libraries may require more conversations and take up to a week or two. No implementation or professional services teams required. Just appoint a project manager to coordinate with our onboarding team on the timeline you set to roll it out across your organization.

Skilltype is priced on a per-employee basis. Most libraries sign annual or multi-year subscriptions, but we support shorter pilots for larger organizations with complex use cases. Skilltype also works with consortia to streamline your procurement process and offer discounts for Enterprise capabilities with additional features and premium support are available for organizations upon request. Contact us to get more details.

Signup for a quick demo to see Skilltype in action.